Rush Process

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is KAP?

Phi Kappa Theta (KAP) is a group of Brothers who are very active in the WPI Community, believe in building relationships as the foundation of our recruitment process, and live by the values of Passion, Dedication, Integrity, Humility, and Leadership.

Who can rush?

Any undergraduate at WPI can rush!

What will Rush look like?

Phi Kappa Theta’s rush process is a yearly schedule, we believe this extended period allows us to build on relationships with recruits.

What separates KAP from other Greek communities?

Brothers of KAP pride themselves on their relationships with each brother and alumni. Our brotherhood continues to build on these relationships much after our undergraduate experience is over.

What is the professional advantage of joining KAP?

KAP has a massive student and alumni network that has helped every brother build resumes, professional networking skills, and social skills!

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Phi Kappa Theta Rush Information

Email to join our rush alias and follow our Instagram page @phikapswpi for more details on events!