Annual PKT Golf Tournament

Thank you to All who attended our 1st annual tournament this august 3rd, 2024!

For our first year running an event of this scale as a board, we were ecstatic to have 45 attendees from across 12 different class years. It was truly great to get everyone back together and hear from brothers who we’d lost touch with.

Congratulations to the winning teams for 18 holes (Erik Oliver, Daniel Barrows, John Connors, and Mike Eaton), and 9 holes (Mason Vega, Danielle LaBlanc, Zach Huaman, and Jason Ashton), plus Connor Tower for longest drive, Ahad Fareed for closest-to-the-pin,
Chris Nerkowski for best-putt, and Nate Charles for traveled-furthest.

It was so much fun that we are already looking forward to next year’s tournament!

Tentatively pencil in the first weekend of August (8/2/2025) for the 2nd Annual Tournament!

Cheers to the sequel!

If you have classic photos, please send them our way to use for next year - Thank you!